Hajj Pre-Registration System 2024 Online Apply

Hajj Pre-Registration 2024 starts on May 2024. A pre-registration system has been introduced for Hajj pilgrims to coordinate with the Saudi e-Hajj system. On behalf of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Business Automation Ltd. is assisting with information technology in pre-registration activities. Any technical changes/additions to the system will be notified on the Hajj website with a notice.

The Hajj agencies have to sign up for the pre-registration system using the email submitted to the Hajj Office for their licenses, and multiple licenses cannot be used using one email. Since the user and database of the training server are not related to the user and database of the main server, the user has to be taken separately for the main server. All of you need advice and cooperation for the success of the pre-registration system.

Hajj Pre Registration 2024

This year’s Hajj registration process will start on May 16, according to the Ministry of Religious Affairs. Hajj pilgrims wishing to perform the holy Hajj in Saudi Arabia after being closed for the past two years due to the coronavirus have to complete the registration process by May 16, and this is the deadline for depositing money.

Candidates must have a passport for a period of at least seven months (until January 4, 2024) to register as a pilgrim, the ministry said. If any candidate is unable to go for Hajj after registration, only airfare and refunds will be refunded.

However, if a candidate cancels the pilgrimage after the plane ticket is confirmed, he will not get a refund for that ticket.

In addition, each pilgrim has been asked to take an additional 610 Saudi riyals for the purpose of sacrifice.

1. Your (registrar) password is highly confidential. Use passwords confidentially and do not share information with anyone, including the IT helpdesk.

2. Before starting pre-registration, read the detailed information given on the Hajj website. If you have any questions about this, you can call the helpline (0960266707).

How to Hajj Pre Registration 2024

These are the institutions that can be applied for pre-registration of Hajj pilgrims through government management.
(A) At the Union Information Service Center
(B) Office of the Deputy Commissioner
(C) Office of the Islamic Foundation
(D) Director, Hajj Office, Ashkona, Dhaka.
You can apply online from anywhere.

To apply, you must first login via Gmail. https://hajj.gov.bd/pre-registration/
After logging in, provide the information of the pilgrim you want to apply for. Click on the “New Application” button for multiple applications. Those above 18 years of age are required to provide NID information. And those who are below 18 years of age have to fill out the form through the birth certificate.

 Those who want to deposit money from the list of pilgrims have to select and click on the “Payment Application” button.

 You have to fill in the information of the bank to which you want to deposit money.
To apply, click on the “Apply for Voucher” option. After applying there will be some instructions which you can read.
Once the voucher is created, you will receive a mail and an SMS. You can download vouchers by mail.
Or you can download the voucher by logging in and clicking on the “Download Payment Voucher” button from the Payment Application List.
You have to print the voucher and deposit the money through the bank.
For any pre-registration questions, please contact the Hajj Information Service Center (Phone: +8809602666707, Skype: hajjcallcenter, E-mail: prp@hajj.gov.bd).  Thanks.

We try to give hajj information. If you need any information please visit the official website https://hajj.gov.bd/pre-registration/ hope you can get more info for your necessary.