HSC Migration Result 2024-2025 XI Class Merit Result

XI Class College Migration Admission Result 2024-2025. First-time Migration Result publishes in February  Students can check their  XI Class College Admission HSC Migration Result here. You already know that XI Class College Admission Result has Published on  2024. Last year this result was published . This year All the Students Who want to be Pass SSC Exam can Apply for XI Class Admission. Many Students get a Chance they choose College. But A large number of people don’t have to get their Choosing College. So, they have to On XI Class College Admission Migration. The Authority of XI www xi class admission gov bd Provides XI Class College Admission Migration Result Publish February after 8 PM.

HSC Migration Result 2024-25 Publish Time

HSC College Admission Migration Result will be published in 2025. Those results will be published after 7.00 P.M Every Year 3 steps published this migration result. 1st-time Admission Result   2nd Migration Result & 3rd Merit Result  has been published day (04 SEP 2020). You can now check your HSC College Migration Result and 3rd New Application Result quickly Online. The result check link is available below.

HSC Admission Result Date:

Primary Admission Confirmation Fee: 200 Taka

2nd Time Application Date: 

2nd Time Selection Confirmation Lats Date: 

3rd Time Application Date:  


How to Check XI Class Admission Migration Result

Normally This admission result will publish All students’ guardian MObile Numbers by SMS. Students can be only EIIN Number or selected college. As a result, some students and guardians can,t  know this EIIN Number. But A Student or their guardian can be chek with the college name online. So we suggest you check your result by online here.

Result Website Link: Result Online 

Every people can check their XI Class College Admission Migration Result by visiting www.xiclassadmission.gov.bd. After visiting, click on the Result Tab. Now login your Account with your SSC Roll Number, Board Name, SSC Passing Year, and Registration Number. Now will get collect your Result on the page. Are you ready to check your XI Class College Admission Migration Result? Let’s Visit the Link & Get your Result.

HSC Admission 3rd Merit List Result

 You know 1st-time Admission Result publish now you wearing the 2nd Phase admission result. This year’s 2nd Migration application will be started from January 1st Week and it will end on  Students who do not confirm their Primary Selection from the 1st Merit list and who do not apply yet can Apply in the Second Phase. If someone does not confirm their primary selection by paying 195 takas, they can apply again in the Second phase without any cost.