Coronavirus Tracer Apps Google Play Story

Two of the world’s largest technology companies are working together to create a tracking system to combat coronavirus. Their system will work on iOS and Android operating systems to prevent the spread of coronavirus. It can identify other people who have been exposed to coronavirus. Since most smartphone users in the world are using iPhones and Android phones, Apple and Google are going to have to jointly work on effective contact detection methods.

The joint statement by Apple and Google states that the technology that the company is building on a joint effort is dependent on Bluetooth technology. This will allow government and health care agencies to take effective measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus. It will also protect user privacy and other security. It will include an application programming interface (API) and operating system-level technology, which will facilitate contact recognition.

Their API may be open by May. In addition, a special app will be released to the iOS and Android App Store for the user as the official app. Health workers can control it with the help of a special app.


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Corona Info Link:

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information of Officers and Staffs in Health Sector Link:

 Logistic Data Entry(PPE and Others) Link:

Corona Surveillance System Link:

Press Release Link:

COVID 19 Screening App Link:

Community Surveillance System Link:

According to a report on the technology website The Verge, contact tracing or coronavirus exposure is important for finding people who are exposed. Because others may be infected by the contact person. So finding such a program is important for him. Many healthcare authorities, universities and private organizations around the world are trying to develop contact tracing technology.

Jalal Saifur Rahman, one of the directors of the Anti-Corruption Commission was admitted to a hospital after having tested positive for coronavirus one week ago.

Dr. Shihab Uddin, superintendent of Kuwait Maitree Hospital, one of the dedicated hospitals for treating coronavirus-infected patients in Bangladesh, told Anadolu Agency: “He was in intensive care unit of the hospital and last late night his blood pressure fell down rapidly. We tried our level best. But today [Monday] at 7.30 a.m. [0130GMT] he died.”

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